Auditions 2017

Rehearsed Readings Auditions

The theme for the Rehearsed Readings this year is: DIRECTOR’S CHOICE COMEDIES and the season kicks off with Tom O’Brien’s “Monday Night in a Country Town”. This will be followed by  the second Reading – “Entertaining Mr. Orton”. The date for auditions will be circulated in early May. If you are interested in auditioning then […]

Auditions at Dublin Shakespeare Society

DSS Auditions

Major Autumn Production The first round of auditions for the Shakes Autumn production of Antony and Cleopatra to be directed by James M. O’Connor will be held from  7pm – 10pm on Tue 11th, Wed 12th and Thurs, 13th of July  in the Teachers’ Club. The show will run from 13th November for one week and it is […]

Autumn Production DSS

2nd round of Auditions

A second round of auditions for the Dublin Shakespeare Society Autumn production of Antony and Cleopatra to be directed by James M. O’Connor will be held from 7pm – 10pm on Monday 24th of July  and 7pm – 10pm on Thursday 27th July in the Teachers’ Club, Parnell Square, Dublin 1 The show will run from 13th November for […]

DSS Read This Banner

Final Audition Call

Just back from your holidays???? Thought you had missed the auditions??? There will be a final night of auditions for Antony and Cleopatra on Monday 4th Sept from 7pm. If you’d like to audition, please prepare a short (no longer than two minutes) monologue of your choice. A Shakespeare piece is desirable but not required. […]

Instrumentalists Required

Instrumentalists Required

Competent, experienced instrumentalists (bass, keyboards, percussion) required for “house band” for  The Capulets and The Montagues, our upcoming Spring Production. (See details HERE) Ideally, you should be able to read music or play by ear to a high standard. If interested, please  submit brief musical CV to Eileen Sheridan  elizsheridan@gmail. com and you will be contacted re […]

The Weaver’s Grave

Auditions for a rehearsed reading of “The Weaver’s Grave” adapted by Micheál Ó hAodha from the short story by Seumas O’Kelly, and directed by Breege Fahy, will be held next Wednesday 25th April @ 7.30pm in The Teachers’ Club. The performance of the reading will take place on Saturday 26th May. If you are interested […]

Auditions for Dublin Shakespeare Society Autumn production

Autumn Production 2018 Auditions

The  Autumn Production will be: ‘THE MALFI’ THE DUCHESS OF MALFI REDUX (Loosely based on the tragedy        ‘The Duchess of Malfi’ by John Webster) Club ‘Malfi’ is hiring. You don’t have to be crazy but it helps! Set sometime in the not too distant past, in the run down, late night MALFI […]

The Cyrano Project

The Cyrano Project ~ Auditions

A series of three workshops that aim to introduce and develop actors to red nose clown, that will form the basis of the Shakes production of Cyrano  in the Autumn of 2019. The workshops will also be used to adapt some sections of the play and will form the basis for the selection of the […]

DSS Rehersed reading August2019


Auditions for Rehearsed Reading Season 2019/20 BLACK SUNSHINE Rehearsed Reading Saturday 31st August 2019 Written by: Ray Murray Director: Valerie Greene Auditions: Wednesday 17th July @ 8.30pm & Thursday 18th July    @ 8pm Venue: Teachers Club Please Contact: Ray 086-3728476 or from 21st June    – 5th July or Valerie 086-8837138 or on or after 6th July SYNOPSIS “Black Sunshine is a full length play […]

Rehearsed Reading ITSoTG

In the Shadow of the Glen ~ Auditions

Paul Maher is looking for actors for a rehearsed, site specific reading of ‘In the Shadow of the Glen’ by John Millington Synge at Glenmalure Youth Hostel on Sunday 18 August. The actors required are Young men x2 Older man Young woman. Glenmalure Hostel is believed to be the site of the cottage in which the action […]