Welcome to the Dublin Shakespeare Society’s website in 2025 our 118th year.


Noelle Timmons, President-Dáithí O Broin, outgoing President-Mary Conlon Vice-President

Buy Tickets

For productions you can purchase tickets to Dublin Shakespeare Society events online or by phone.

Get Involved

Can you act, sing, direct, produce or be part of the backstage team? Contact us for details on how you can get involved.

Audition for a Part

Watch out for auditions for forthcoming readings

Visit Us!

The Dublin Shakespeare Society is based in Theatre@36, The Teachers Club, 36 Parnell Square West.

We Need Your Help!

Do you have any information or photos from past events? We'd love to hear from you!

We are looking for photographs, fliers, posters or any information you have about events held by the Dublin Shakespeare Society for our archives.