This immersive original theatrical performance is inspired by ‘Dracula’ the iconic novel by Bram Stoker. Dracula’s Guests have arrived. They enter rooms they should not. Leaving is not an option. Important note to audience This is a unique space and house. Please wear warm clothes and comfortable footwear. No […]
View All: North Great George’s Street
The Drac Project at North Great George’s Street
Following a two night performance at The Teacher’s Club, Dublin Shakespeare Society bring this original production to one of Dublin’s most atmospheric venues – 13 North Great George’s Street. This immersive theatrical performance is inspired by ‘Dracula’ the iconic novel by Bram Stoker. Dracula’s Guests have arrived. They enter […]
Drac Project – Matinee
Due to popular demand there will now be a matinee performance of The Drac Project on Saturday 19th November at 3.30pm. Check out the details on our event page HERE