Latest Past Events

Theatre of the Oppressed

The Teachers' Club 36 Parnell Square West, Dublin

This Forum Theatre event comprised two short pieces devised over six weekly workshops with Shakes members. Forum Theater, one of the major techniques within Theatre of the Oppressed, allows spectators to collaborate in the experience by becoming ‘spect-actors’ (the audiences who participate in the actual performance). Through a moderator (Joker) and a group of actively […]


The Bear and Swan Song

Virtual Performance Online - Check back please for the Zoom link, Virtual Event - Zoom platform

Dublin Shakespeare Society is proud to present, online, two short comedy plays for radio by Anton Chekhov. <!----> The Bear translated by Michael Frayn When Yelena Popova, a reclusive young widow, receives a visit from the irascible Grigory Smirnov demanding payment of her late husband's debts, the two find themselves at a difficult impasse… Cast […]


Today’s a Holiday

Virtual Performance Online - Check back please for the Zoom link, Virtual Event - Zoom platform

A group of residents seize control of the roof of their apartment block in 1950s Madrid. It’s a national holiday and they are at leisure to enjoy the freedom of the open air, normally denied them by their caretaker. Over the course of the day, and in the freedom of the open air, they reveal […]
